The New International Encyclopædia/Stohmann, Friedrich Karl Adolf

Edition of 1905. See also Friedrich Stohmann on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1315294The New International Encyclopædia — Stohmann, Friedrich Karl Adolf

STOHMANN, stō'mȧn, Friedrich Karl Adolf (1832—). A German agricultural chemist, born in Bremen, and educated at Göttingen and London. He was Graham's assistant at University College from 1853 to 1855, and afterwards assisted Henneberg at Celle. In 1862 he started the station for agricultural experiments at Brunswick. He was called to Halle in 1865 and to Leipzig in 1871, where he was director of the agricultural physiological institute of the university. His principal investigations had to do with the nourishment of animals. He wrote: Beiträge zur Begründung einer rationellen Fütterung der Wiederkäuer (1860); Biologische Studien (1873); Handbuch der technischen Chemie (1872 and 1874); Handbuch der Zuckerfabrikation (1878); and Die Stärkefabrikation (1878).