The New International Encyclopædia/Topete y Carballo, Juan Bautista

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2104492The New International Encyclopædia — Topete y Carballo, Juan Bautista

TOPETE Y CARBALLO, tō̇-pā′tā̇ ē̇ kär-bä′lyō̇, Juan Bautista (1821-85). A Spanish admiral and politician, born at San Andrés de Tuztla, Mexico. He entered the navy at the age of seventeen and became midshipman in 1843 and lieutenant two years later. From 1846 to 1849 he served in Cuban waters and subsequently was on duty in the Mediterranean. He was promoted to the captaincy of a frigate in 1857 and during the war with Morocco in 1859 was chief of staff to the fleet. About this time he formed political affiliations with the Union Liberal Party under O'Donnell and in 1862 was elected to the Cortes from Cadiz. He was on the Pacific station during the conflict with Peru and Chile in 1865-66 and was severely wounded in the bombardment of Callao in May of the latter year. Made brigadier on his return and placed in command of the port of Cadiz he took an active part in the political conspiracies of the times and by his pronunciamiento of September 17, 1868, gave the signal for the outbreak of the Revolution which drove Isabella II. from the throne. He sent a ship to bring back the generals who had been deported to the Canaries (see Spain) and after he had been joined by Prim and Sagasta won over the city of Cadiz to the Revolution. In the provisional government Topete assumed the portfolio of Marine. He favored the election of the Duke of Montpensier to the throne and laid down his post when the choice fell upon Amadeus of Savoy. In 1872, however, he resumed office under Serrano and during the latter's absence from the capital presided over the Ministerial Council. In the Revolution of 1873 he was imprisoned for a short time but regained influence under the presidency of Serrano who placed him once more at the head of the navy. With Serrano he fought against the Carlists in the north. On the accession of Alfonso XII. Topete retired from active participation in politics. In 1879 he was made a life Senator and in 1881 became vice-admiral. He died at Madrid, October 29, 1885.