The New International Encyclopædia/Way, Arthur S.

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WAY, Arthur S. (1847—). An English translator, born at Dorking. He was educated at Kingsuood School, Bath, and at Queen's College, Melbourne (Australia), where he was afterwards fellow. In 1870-76 he was a lecturer at Queen's College, Taunton, in 1876-81 vice-master of Kingswood School. Bath, and from 1882 to 1892 head master of Wesley College, Melbourne. He published verse translations of the Odyssey (1880), of the Iliad (1880-89). of Euripides (1804-08), and of the Epodes of Horace (1898). They are among the most skillful examples of translation from the classics to be found in English. He also published in 1901 Apollomus Rhodius' Tale of the Argnnauls and Letters of Saint Paul to Seven Churches and Three Friends.