The New Student's Reference Work/Black Hawk

See also Black Hawk (chief) on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

Black Hawk, a famous Indian chief of the Sac and Fox tribe, was born about 1768 on the east shore of the Mississippi, near the mouth of Rock River. When about twenty years old, he succeeded his father as chief of the Sacs. In the War of 1812, he took part with England. When the remainder of the tribes removed to their reservation across the Mississippi, Black Hawk, with his followers, remained. Some years after, war began with the whites, and after a number of the whites had been massacred, the Indians were driven to the Wisconsin River and twice defeated, and Black Hawk was captured. A treaty was made, and the Indians were removed to the region near Fort Des Moines. Black Hawk and his two sons were taken as hostages through the cities of the East. They were confined for a time in Fortress Monroe, but were allowed to rejoin their tribes in 1833. Black Hawk died in Iowa in 1838.