The New Student's Reference Work/Brattleboro, Vt.

See also Battleboro, Vermont on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

85698The New Student's Reference Work — Brattleboro, Vt.

Brattleboro, Vt., a town in Windham County, on the Connecticut River, about 60 miles north of Springfield, Mass., reached by the Central Vermont and the Boston and Maine Railroad.  The town dates from the middle of the 18th century and has an interesting early history, while it occupies a picturesque site.  Besides its civic buildings it has a public library and is the seat of the state asylum for the insane.  Among its manufactures is the factory of the Estey parlor-organs; its other establishments are furniture and toy-making factories and those producing children’s carriages, wagons and canning machinery.  Maple-sugar is also a product of the industries of the town.  Population (census 1910), 7,541.