The New Student's Reference Work/Cornwallis, Charles, Marquis

The New Student's Reference Work
Cornwallis, Charles, Marquis
2590211The New Student's Reference Work — Cornwallis, Charles, Marquis

Corn′wallis, Charles, Marquis, was born at London, Dec. 31, 1738. He served in the Seven Years' War, and accepted an appointment as major-general in America, though he disliked forcing taxes on the colonists. He was the ablest British general in command, winning the battle of Camden against General Gates, gaining a slight advantage over Greene at Guilford, but being forced to surrender at Yorktown in 1781. He afterward was governor-general of India, where, by his victories over Tippoo Sahib, he probably saved India to the English. Made lord-lieutenant of Ireland, he put down the rebellion of 1798, and gained the good-will of the Irish. The ability of Cornwallis in India and in Ireland shows that his failure in America was largely due to the poor generalship of his superior officers, Howe and Clinton. Cornwallis died on Oct. 5, 1805, while on his way to the Indian upper provinces, having been made governor-general a second time.