See also Dacia on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

Dacia (dā' shĭ-ȧ), an ancient country of Europe, of uncertain limits, lying north of the Danube and south of the Carpathian Mountains. It comprised at least what now is the eastern part of Hungary, Transylvania, Moldavia and Wallachia. It was inhabited by an exceedingly warlike people of German origin, who held the Romans in check from 10 B. C. until 100 A. D. During the reign of Domitian the Romans were even obliged to pay tribute. In 106 A. D. Trajan reduced the country to a Roman province. The Romans held most of this territory until 274 A. D., when Aurelian abandoned it to be overrun in succession by the Goths, Huns, Gepidæ, Avars and Scythians.