The New Student's Reference Work/Gardiner, Samuel Rawson

1778647The New Student's Reference Work — Gardiner, Samuel Rawson

Gard′iner, Samuel Rawson, a modern English historian, was born in Hampshire, England, March 4, 1829. He was educated at Winchester and at Christ Church, Oxford, and for some years was professor of modern history at King's College, London. In 1885 he resigned his post to devote himself to writing. He has made a thorough study of the period of the first two Stuart kings in English history, and is the authority for that period. Besides his history of that period, he has also written a number of shorter works, among them The Thirty Years' War and Introduction to the Study of English History. His more ambitious works are The Personal Government of Charles I; The Fall of the Monarchy of Charles I; History of the Great Civil War; and Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution.