Contents: Front Matter - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Arithmetic - Outlines - Questions - Index
  1. I — Ibis, p. 908
  2. Ibrahim Pasha — Ice, p. 909
  3. Ice-Age — Icebergs, p. 910
  4. Ice Harvesting
  5. Ice Harvesting
  6. Artificial Ice
  7. Artificial Ice
  8. Iceland — Ichabod Crane, p. 911
  9. Ichneumon — Idaho, p. 912
  10. Idol — Idyls of the King, p. 913
  11. Ignatius — Ignis Fatuus, p. 914
  12. Igorrotes — Illinois, p. 915
  13. Illinois Indians — Imagination, p. 916
  14. Immigration Bureau — Inclined Plane, p. 917
  15. Income Tax — India, p. 918
  16. India, p. 919
  17. India-Rubber — Indiana, p. 920
  18. Indianapolis — Indians, American, p. 921
  19. Indian Territory — Indicator, p. 922
  20. Chief Yellow Boy Giving the Peace Sign
  21. Indigo — Induction Coil, p. 923
  22. Indusium — Industrial Schools, p. 924
  23. Inertia — Infusoria, p. 925
  24. Ingalls — Ink, p. 926
  25. Inkerman, Battle of — Innocent XI, p. 927
  26. Innsbruck — Insects, p. 928
  27. Insects, p. 929
  28. Institute of France — Insurance, p. 930
  29. Integument — Interest, p. 931
  30. Interference — International Date Line, p. 932
  31. International Law — Inventions, p. 933
  32. Investments — Iowa, p. 934
  33. Iowa, p. 935
  34. Iowa Indians — Ireland, p. 936
  35. Ireland, p. 937
  36. Ireland — Irkutsk, p. 938
  37. Iron — Iron Mountain, p. 939
  38. Ironton — Irrigation, p. 940
  39. Irrigation, p. 941
  40. Irrigation, p. 942
  41. Irritability — Irving, p. 943
  42. Isaac — Ischia, p. 944
  43. Ishmael — Isocrates, p. 945
  44. Isoetes — Italy, p. 946
  45. Italy, p. 947
  46. Ithaca — Ito, p. 948
  47. Iturbide — Ivory, p. 949
  48. Ivory Coast, French — Ivy, p. 950
  49. Ixcaquixtla — Iztaccihuatl, p. 951