See also Kangaroo on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

.Kangaroo (kan' ga-rö'), a pouched animal of Australia, with very large hind limbs and short front ones. The giant kangaroo was found near the coast by Captain Cook in 1770, on his voyage to Australia, but it is now driven into the interior. Large males attain a height, when erect, of seven feet. The hind legs and tail are enormous. Kangaroos often sit erect on the tail and hind legs. They ordinarily jump nine or ten feet, but, when hard pressed in pursuit, will make 15 or 20 feet at one leap. On open ground they are more than a match for the fleetest dogs. They live on the open plains feeding on the herbage, are entirely herbivorous and owing to their close cropping do much damage. Because of this and the value of their flesh and hides they are persistently hunted. As a rule they prefer open spaces, but some kinds live among shrubs and one species is a tree-climber. There are several varieties of kangaroos, all living in Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea. They have a pouch in which the young are reared and into which they retire for shelter and food, until they reach, in the larger species, a weight of ten pounds. Often they may be seen with their heads thrust out from mother's pouch.
