1832337The New Student's Reference Work — Louis XVIII

Louis XVIII, a younger brother of Louis XVI, was born at Versailles, Nov. 17, 1755. He fled from Paris on the same night as Louis XVI, and reached the Belgian frontier in safety. From his retreat he issued declarations against the revolutionists which damaged the king. After the execution of his brother he proclaimed the dauphin king under the title of Louis XVII, and in 1795 himself took the title of king. The fall of Napoleon opened his way to the throne, and on April 26, 1814, he landed at Calais after 24 years of exile. He ruled by “the divine right of kings.” The Revolution had taught him nothing, and his treatment of Protestants, republicans and followers of Napoleon opened the way for Napoleon's return from Elba, when he fled into exile until after the battle of Waterloo. He was restored to the throne by the allied powers in 1815, and ruled until his death on Sept. 16, 1824.