See also Ponce, Puerto Rico on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

Pon′ce is an important city in Porto Rico, the capital of the province of Ponce. It is the second largest city on the island and the first in commercial importance. It is well-built and modern in appearance, with macadamized streets, public plazas, churches, hospitals, theaters, an asylum, municipal hall and a number of handsome residences. It also has a public library and a good school-system established since the American occupation, in connection with which is conducted an industrial school with about 300 students. The water-supply is excellent, brought by an aqueduct three miles long. It has electric-light works and a street-car system which connects with Playa de Ponce, the port. The custom-house and the chief commercial houses are here. The harbor is large, is accessible to vessels drawing 25 feet, and is provided with wharves. The inhabitants engage chiefly in commercial and mercantile pursuits, but there are a few mechanical industries. The population in 1910 was 27,952 and that of the municipal district 55,477.