See also Thermopylae on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

2915087The New Student's Reference Work — Thermopylæ

Thermopylæ (thẽr-mŏp′ē̇-lē), a famous pass leading from northern to central Greece, between Mt. Œta and an impassable marsh on the edge of the Maliac Gulf. The pass narrows at each end to the width of a single wheel-track, forming the eastern and western gates. Here King Leonidas (q. v.) of Sparta made his famous stand against the mighty army of Xerxes in 480 B. C. Learning that a Thessalian had betrayed to the Persians a path over the mountains to his rear, he sent away all his troops, which numbered some 7,000, except 300 Spartans, 700 Thespians and 400 Thebans. This chosen band made a sally and perished to a man. But one Spartan who was too sick to fight, escaped, only to meet the scorn of his countrymen on his return home.