The New Student's Reference Work/White, Andrew Dickson

See also Andrew Dickson White on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1335679The New Student's Reference Work — White, Andrew Dickson


White, Andrew Dickson, American educator and diplomat, was born at Homer, N.Y., on Nov. 7, 1832, and after graduating at Yale traveled and studied in France, and became an attaché to the United States legation at St. Petersburg. In 1857 he was appointed professor of history and English literature at the University of Michigan, and ten years later became president of Cornell University, a post which he held until 1885, contributing $100,000 from his own means, part of which was applied to the equipment of the library of the school of history and political science at Cornell. In 1871 he was appointed one of the United States commissioners to Santo Domingo; in 1878 was commissioner to the Paris Exposition from the state of New York; and from 1879 to 1881 was United States minister to Russia (serving again during 1892-4). In 1897 he was named by President McKinley ambassador of the United States to Berlin, a post he held till 1902. Dr. White is a regent of Smithsonian Institute at Washington, and has been president of the American Historical Society and the American Social Science Association. He is the author of Lectures on History, The New Germany, The Warfare of Science, History of the Warfare of Science with Theology, European Schools of History, Studies in History and Autobiography.