The New York Times/1865/4/15/The Feeling in the City

< The New York Times‎ | 1865‎ | 4‎ | 15
4479030The New York Times, 1865, 4, 15 — The Feeling in the City


Meeting in Wall-street.



An immense assemblage of merchants and others met in response to a call issued by Collector Draper, in front of the Custom-house, at 12 o'clock. Moses Taylor was chosen President by acclamation. Gen. Wetmore read the following resolution:

Whereas', it has pleased Almighty God to take from us Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States, by a sudden and awful visitation, and by this great calamity befalling us in the hour of our national triumph, we are warned by the uncertainty of all human affairs and our absolute dependence for our safety and protection as a nation upon the mercy and wisdom of Divine Providence; therefore

Resolved, That to this hour of our deep affliction we humbly implore that the Divine protection and support vouchsaved to us as a nation hitherto, which has borne us through years of bitter trial, and brought us safely through the storms of war to victory, and the prospect of peace, will not now be withdrawn from us—but that, having taken from us the chosen and beloved Chief Magistrate, who has so earnestly and faithfully and wisely labored and toiled in the behalf of this people, God will in His mercy enlighten, guide and strengthen his servants, upon whom devolves the authority of the Government, so that they may wisely and justly administer the power confided to them.

Resolved, That while we bow in submission to the mysterious dispensation which thus aflicts us, as men and citizens. we must express the angulah and grief which fill our hearts, that the death of Abraham Lincoln is a calamity not to this nation aloue, but to the civilized world.

Resolved. That while in his personal character, exhibiting the kindliest and most generous nature, he in his public career, manifested and illustrated in the highest degree the capacity of free institutions to inspire and develope true greatness of character. That his service to the nation through all the years of trial and danger, his unwavering devotion, his high courage and enduring hope, have endeared him forever to the hearts of the people, and in their memories as in history, he will be recorded as the first patriot of the age. Alas! that he should be also the most distinguished martyr in the sacred cause of liberty.

Resolved. That as by the last acts of his life, the President proved that kindness, charity, and a spirit of conciliation toward the enemies of the Republic animated him and dictated his policy, so we believe that we best honor his memory by emulating his spirit and example, and continuing to labor for the restoration of peace and harmony In the land.

Resolved. That to the bereaved wife and children of the lamented dead we tender our deep and heart-felt sympathies, but can offer no better consolation than the assurance that the whole people weep with them, and feel the loss to be irreparable.

Resolved. That we tender to the officer, upon whom by this said calamity the Executive authority devolves, our sympathies in the trying position in which he is placed, and the assurance of our cordial and unwavering support in the measures which, guided by Divine wisdom, he may adopt for the speedy accomplishment of the great objects for which his lamented predecessor labored and died.

Resolved. That it be recommended to the citizens to close all places of business to-day as early as practicable, and that they remain closed until after the burial of the deceased President.

Resolved, That it be requested that all places of public amusement be closed for this evening, and that the question of the farther closing of all such sources of pleasure be referred to the sympathy, loyalty, and reverence of the managers.

Resolved, That a committee of thirteen citizens of New-York be sent to Washington to attend the funeral of the President, and to tender such aid and sympathy to the government as may be needful and proper, and that said committee consist of the following gentlemen.

  • WM. E DODGE,
  • WM. W. EVARTS,
  • JOHN J. ASTOR, Ja.,
  • F. B. CUTTING,

Resolutions were unanimously adopted, after which addresses were made by Ex-Gov. King, Gen. B. F. Butler, L. E. Chittenden, Hon. Wm. F. Odell, Mr. Fassenden and Mr. Train. The intensest manifestations of indorsement were made at every allusion to the policy of vengeance upon the leaders, while the tenderest sympathy was evinced for the family of the President, and an unmistakeable determination to crush out the spirit as well as the front of the rebellion pervaded the entire assemblage.