The New York Times/1901/08/01/Killed While Making a Raid


Keeper of a New Haven Disorderly House Shoots a Police Officer.

Special to The New York Times.

NEW HAVEN, Conn., July 31.—An Italian by the name of Andrew Laudano shot and almost instantly killed Officer Hugh McKeon and dangerously wounded Officer Turbett to-night, as they were making a raid on Laudano' s disorderly place in Prindle Street. The place has had a bad name, and has been raided several times.

The officers went to the door to-night, and on telling who they were were refused admittance, whereupon they forced the door. As soon as they got over the threshold Laudano fired at Officer McKeon, and the latter tumbled down the steps to the sidewalk where he died in a few minutes. The Italian then struck Officer Turbett over the eye with the butt of his revolver, inflicting a deep and painful wound.

Laudano escaped through the back way, and up to a late hour had not been captured. Every avenue of escape is guarded, and the whole detective and police force is looking for the murderer. Officer McKeon's body was taken to the New Haven Hospital. He was a popular officer, and had been with the force for about fifteen years.