The New York Times/1916/11/22/New Giant Guns for Navy


16-Inch Type of 50-Calibre to be Tried for Battleships.

WASHINGTON, Nov. 21.—Battleships authorized this year will carry the most powerful guns of which the navy has any authentic information. Rear Admiral Strauss, Chief of Ordnance, told the House Naval Committee today he expected to complete and prove a sixteen-inch 50-calibre gun early next year.

“We have a very good sixteen-inch 45-calibre gun,” he said, “but the 50-calibre weapon will be the largest gun in the world of which we have any authentic information. We wish to build and prove the new gun, however, before adopting it for new ships.”

Four battleships, bids for which soon will be awarded by the Navy Department, will each carry eight sixteen-inch 45-calibre guns. The three ships Congress is expected to authorize this Winter will each carry twelve sixteen-inch 50-calibre guns if the department’s hopes are carried out. Admiral Strauss said of the 50-calibre gun would weigh 128 tons as against 100 tons for the 45-calibre weapon, and would have greater penetrating force and range.

The forgings for the trial 50-calibre gun already have been ordered, and it will be manufactured at the naval gun factory here.