The New York Times/1916/11/22/Wood Sees No End of Wars


General Says Army Is Against Fighting, but Should Be Made Ready.

Three hundred members of the Society of the Colonial Wars in the State of New York attended the twenty-third annual dinner held last night in the grand ballroom at Delmonico’s. During the dinner the ancient punch bowl belonging to the organization was carried in by four members dressed in the uniform worn by British soldiers in the time of Cornwallis and placed in front of Henry G. Sanford, the Governor of the Society, the toastmaster.

In responding to a toast to the army, General Leonard Wood said that military training among the citizens was essential to national integrity and honor.

“The great war raging in Europe,” he continued, “is not the last of wars, and our children's children will not see the last of wars. It is essential that the new masses pouring into the country be imbued with the spirit of service to the Republic, as well as the impulse to profit by our national advantages, and that the citizens be taught not to evade the responsibility in our hour of need.

“Army men are not in favor of war, but if it should come the army should be ready and equipped to meet any situation that might arise.”

Dr. Charles A. Richmond, President of Union College, spoke in favor of universal military training, and Rear Admiral Nathaniel R. Usher responded for the navy.