The New York Times/1918/05/30/Spaniards Believe the U-Boats Brought Widespread Epidemic

< The New York Times‎ | 1918‎ | 05‎ | 30
Spaniards Believe the U-Boats Brought Widespread Epidemic

Published Thursday, May 30, 1918

3489513Spaniards Believe the U-Boats Brought Widespread Epidemic

Spaniards Believe the U-Boats Brought Wide­spread Epidemic

MADRID, May 29.—The grippelike epidemic continues to spread. There are 120,000 victims in Madrid. King Alfoso is still in bed with the malady, but his condition is not dangerous.

The disease is affecting horses, cases among which are reported from the cavalry and the public services.

The population are of the belief that the disease was brought to Spain by German submarines, as there are cases among crews of interned underwater boats. Some persons are of the opinion that it had been spread by microbes blown by the winds from the battlefronts.

The authorities have taken precautions to prevent an increase in the price of medicines as the result of extraordinary demand due to the epidemic.