The New York Times/1918/06/01/Queer Epidemic Sweeps North China

< The New York Times‎ | 1918‎ | 06‎ | 01
Queer Epidemic Sweeps North China

Published Saturday, June 1, 1918

3489565Queer Epidemic Sweeps North China


Banks and Silk Stores in Peking Closed—Another Loan Sought from Japan.

Copyright, 1918, by The New York Times Company.

Special Cable to The New York Times.

PEKING, May 31.—A curious epidemic resembling influenza is sweeping over North China. There are 20,000 cases in Tientsin and thousands in Peking, where the banks and silk stores have been closed down for several days in large sections, the police being unable to attend to their duties. Fortunately, the sickness is not fatal, and it runs its course in four days.

The Government is in urgent need of money and is negotiating with Japan for another loan.

Chang Huai-chi, whose troops were recently defeated by the rebels in the south, and who resigned, has consented to return to the front.