The New York Times/1918/11/11/Daniels Aids United Drive

< The New York Times‎ | 1918‎ | 11‎ | 11
4445300The New York Times, 1918, 11, 11 — Daniels Aids United Drive


Say Armistice Will Not Lessen Need for War Work Fund.

BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 10.—An armistice does not end the war, but merely halts it, Secretary Daniels said in an address at a mass meeting here today in behalf of the United States War Work Campaign which begins tomorrow.

"If the armistice is signed today or tomorrow," the Secretary said, "It does not mean our men are no longer in military service, and it does not mean that concern for their entertainment and welfare can be relaxed. On the contrary, it will be a challenge to increased zeal and an appeal to new resources."

The War Work Campaign, the secretary added, would be responded to by all who thought more of the courage, clean living, and home interest of the nation's fighting men than of anything else.