The New York Times/1918/11/11/French Scholars Arrive

< The New York Times‎ | 1918‎ | 11‎ | 11
4461777The New York Times, 1918, 11, 11 — French Scholars Arrive


Sent by Their Government to Lecture at American Universities.

Five members of a group of French scholars, delegated by their Government to put before the Maerican people in the form of a series of university lectures on some of the leading features of French civilization, her ideals, aspirations, and scientific progress, arrived here yesterday. Two others of the seven members, who will be known as the Mission of French Scholars to the United States, are now exchange professors at Columbia University. All will be guests of Columbia pending the arranging of the schedule for their itinerary of two months, during which they will appear at all the leading universities and colleges.

Three of the lecturers come from active service in the present war. They are Dr. Theodore Reinach of the Institute de France and Lieutenant Colonel in the French Army; Captain Charles Cazamian and Dr. Etienne Burnet, surgeon with the French forces. Captain Cazamian, Professor of English Literature at the University of Paris, is the author of studies on the social aspects of English literature. Dr. Burnet of the Pasteur Institute is a specialist in microbiology. The other members are: Dr. Charles Koechlin, composer and critic of music, who has contributed interesting studies to the history of French music; Dr. Seymour de Ricchi, art critic and secretary of The Gazette des Beaux-Arts; Professor Emmanuel de Martonne, one of the most widely known French geographers, who has been an exchange professor at Columbia three weeks, and Professor Fernand Baldensperger, Professor of French Literature at Columnbia. Both are from the University of Paris.

Commenting on the objects of the mission Lieut. Col. Reinach made the prediction that every American soldier now in France would be an agent for the furthering of good will and political ties between France and America.