The New York Times/1918/11/11/Front is Quiet, Berlin Says

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4441868The New York Times, 1918, 11, 11 — Front is Quiet, Berlin Says


But Admits Continued Retreat Before the British in Belgium.

WASHINGTON, Nov. 10.—"It is officially reported that the west front was quiet today," said a wireless message from the German station at Nauen, received tonight by naval radio towers in this country.

BERLIN, Nov. 10. (via London.)—The German official statement issued today regarding military operations on the western front says:

Yesterday between the Scheldt and the Meuse the enemy followed our movements beyond Ronsse, Leuze, St. Guislain, Maubeuge, Trelow, and over the Sormonne River, west of Charleville.

On the Eastern Meuse Heights and on the plain of the Woevre many attacks of the Americans were repulsed.