The New York Times/1918/11/11/Meetings and Elections

< The New York Times‎ | 1918‎ | 11‎ | 11



Notice of Special Meeting of Stockholders, Cleveland, Ohio, October 25, 1918.

To the Stockholders:

Inasmuch as the President of the United States has by proclamation dated December 26, 1917, taken over the possession, use, control and operation of the transportation systems and appurtenances thereof, owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by the New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Company, effective December 28, 1917, and had been authorized to agree with the carriers as to compensation for the property so taken over and other pertinent matters, by act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide for the operation of transportation systems while under Federal control, for the just compensation of their owners and for other purposes," approved March 21, 1918:

Notice is hereby given to the stockholders of The New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad Company that a special meeting of stockholders has been called and will be held at the office of the Company, seventh Floor Marshall Building, Cleveland, Ohio, on Tuesday, the 26th day of November, 1918, at nine clock a.m., to consider the expediency of ratifying a certain agreement with the Director General of Railroads relating to operation, compensation and other matters connected with or growing out of the taking over by the President of the Company's railroad and system of transportation, and any other business that properly may come before the meeting, and in the event of the approval of such agreement, to authorize the Board of Directors of the Company to execute or cause to be executed with the President of the United States or the Director General of Railroads, or such other person as the President may direct, and to deliver the said contract relating to the compensation to be paid for the possession, use and control of the railroad and system of transportation and appurtenances thereof of this Company and relating to the operation, maintenance and return thereof, and to any other matter connected with or growing out of the taking over by the President of said properties, and to alter, amend or add to such contract, to collect the aggregate compensation to be paid under such contract, and in case the said Board of Directors have entered into such contract, to ratify and confirm their action so doing, and to authorize the Board of Directors to take such other and further action as it may deem necessary to secure adequate compensation, proper maintenance and a timely return of the property so taken over.

W. D. TURNER, Secretary,
The New York, Chicago & St. Louis Railroad Company.

No. 165 Broadway, New York,
October 8th, 1918.

The Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of the Manhattan Railway Company will be held at the Company's office, No. 165 Broadway, Manhattan Borough, New York City, on Wednesday, November 18th, 1918, at 12 o'clock noon.

A Board of Directors for the ensuing year is to be elected and three Inspectors of Election.

The transfer books will not close.

EDGAR L. MARSTON, President.
D. W. McWILLIAMS, Secretary.


The annual meeting of the stockholders of the BARAHONA COMPANY, INC., will be held at the office of the Company, No. 129 Front Street, City of New York, on Tuesday, the 19th day of November, 1918, at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before it.

Yours very truly,
HOWARD J. PULLUM, Assistant Treasurer.
Dated, November 1, 1918

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Harperley Hall Company will be held at the office of the Company, No. 1 West 64th Street, Borough of Manhattan, City, and State of New York, on the 16th day of November, 1918, at 8:30 o'clock P.M., for the purpose of electing nine (9) directors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before said meeting. The polls will remain open 30 minutes.

LOUDON CHARLTON, Vice-President.
EDGAR G. GTGER, Secretary.