The New York Times/1918/11/11/Paris Crowds Cheer News
Await the Armistice Bulletin While Rejoicing in Fresh Victories.
Copyright, 1918, by The New York Times Company.
Special Cable to The New York Times.
PARIS, Nov. 9.—The moonlit boulevards and streets of Paris were filled tonight with joyous crowds, waiting momentarily for expected news of the armistice. In the meantime, all other good news was received with shouts, and it is coming fast. Hardly had the crowds finished cheering over the request of Prince Maximilian made to be relieved of the Chancellorship when newspaper office bulletins recorded the fact that the Kaiser had abdicated.
Almost simultanouesly Paris learned that Romanoues had become Premier of Spain and General Coanda Premier of Rumania. Both these men are firm friends of the Allies. Coanda's wife is a Frenchwoman.
But all these big things, even to abdication itself, which had been discounted, were looked upon only as the curtain-raisers for the big fact yet to come of the ending of the war. No details have been received here as to who will succeed the Kaiser, but it is taken for granted that the German Socialists are in the saddle.