The New York Times/1918/11/11/Pershing Writes to Baby

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4443334The New York Times, 1918, 11, 11 — Pershing Writes to Baby


Pershing Jerome Cohn Was Born on General's Birthday.

When Corporal Isaac Cohn of an infantry unit fighting in France was notified by his wife of the birth of their son on Friday, Sept. 13, he recalled that this was the anniversary date of the birth of his commander, and he cabled to his wife, Mrs. Bessie Cohn, to name the infant Pershing Jerome Cohn. She did so, and then wrote from her home at 901 Prospect Avenue, Bronx, to General Pershing, telling him "I am the proudest mother in the world to have my baby bear the name of one whom the people of the entire civilized world look up to as their savior." Last night Mrs. Cohn said she had received a reply on Friday from the American commander, in which he wrote:

Master Pershing Jerome Cohn:

Dear Little Pershing: Although it will be some time before you are old enough to read this, s you are only a month old today, I am writing to tell you how pleased I am to have a little boy who was born on my birthday for a namesake. I hope that you will grow up to be a strong, industrious boy, and that as the years go by, you will continue to grow, both physically and morally, so that your parents may always be as justly proud of you as they are now. With every good wish for a long and happy life, I am, sincerely yours,


The boy's father went to France four months ago. He was a member of the firm of B. Cohn & Co., 128 West Twenty-seventh Street.