The New York Times/1918/11/11/The Weather

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WASHINGTON, Nov. 10.—The weather has been fair in all parts of the country, except in the North Pacific Coast States and the North Rocky Mountain region, where rain has set in during the last twenty-four hours.

It is colder in the lower lake region, the Middle Atlantic and New England States, and warmer in the Missouri Valley and the Canadian Northwest.

Fair weather will continue in the Washington forecast district Monday and Tuesday, with little change in temperature, except in the Ohio Valley and the upper lake region, where it will be somewhat warmer Tuesday.

Winds for Monday and Tuesday along the North Atlantic and Middle Atlantic Coasts will be moderate northwest; fair.


Easter New York, New England, New Jersey, and Eastern Pennsylvania—Fair Monday and Tuesday; not much change in temperature.

Western Pennsylvania—Fair Monday and Tuesday; warmer Tuesday.

Western New York—Fair Monday and Tuesday; warmer in west Tuesday.

The temperature record for the twenty-four hours ended at 11 P.M., taken from the thermometer at the local office of the United States Weather Bureau, is as follows:

1917. 1918.
3 A.M. 45 56
6 A.M. 43 55
9 A.M. 59 56
12 M. 58 60
4 P.M. 57 51
6 P.M. 54 49
9 A.M. 47 44
11 P.M. 45 42

This thermometer is 414 feet above the street level. The average temperature yesterday was 52; average on the corresponding date for the last thirty-three years, 46. The temperature at 8 A.M., yesterday was 54; at 9 P.M., it was 46. Maximum temperature, 60 degrees at noon; minimum 42 degrees at 11 P.M. Humidity 88 per cent. at 8 A.M.; 52 per cent. at 8 P.M.

The barometer at 8 A.M. yesterday registered 30.11 inches; at 8 P.M., it stood at 30.26 inches.

Weather in Cotton and Grain States
Special to The New York Times.

WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 10.—Forecast:

N. C., S. C., and Ga.—Fair Mon. and Tues., continued cool.

Fla., Ala., and Miss.—Fair Mon. and Tues.

Tenn. and Ky.—Fair Mon. and Tues.; warmer Tues.

Ohio and Ind.—Fair Mon. and Tues.; warmer Tues.

Lower Mich.—Fair and slightly warmer Mon. and Tues.

Upper Mich.—Fair and slightly warmer Mon.; Tues. partly cloudy, probably rain.