The New York Times/1918/11/11/Wants Belgium to Lead

< The New York Times‎ | 1918‎ | 11‎ | 11


Dr. Guttery Would Have Her Troops the First in Berlin.

Dr. Arthur T. Guttery, President of the Free Church Council of England, and a member of the British commission recently sent to this country, delivered an address last night at the Madison Methodist Episcopal Church, Madison Avenue and Sixtieth Street.

"I want," he said, "the allied forces to seal the verdict of humanity in the City of Berlin, where the crimes were thought of. I would like to see, not the English or American or French boys lead the way, but the troops of that brave little country, Belgium, whose spiritual and undying courage held up the Huns long enough to prevent the world from being run over by a despotic power."

Dr. Guttery said that the time was coming, and that the need was already here, when all Christian faiths and creeds must unite under one banner, with one aim, Christianity.