The New York Times/1925/12/14/New York Dog That Keeps Watch on Sea Believed Lone Survivor of a Liquor Ship

3627847The New York Times, Monday, 14th December, 1925 — New York Dog That Keeps Watch on Sea Believed Lone Survivor of a Liquor Ship

New York Dog That Keeps Watch on Sea Believed Lone Survivor of a Liquor Ship

The owner of the brown and white collie that appeared on the Maine Coast near Biddeford last week during a severe storm, and at every opportunity ran to a bluff over the sea as though looking for a ship, was found here yesterday in the person of Harry Fischer of 75 Second Street. Fischer said the dog has been stolen from him in the Catskills last Summer, probably by bootleggers. It was believed from this that the dog might have been the only survivor of a rum ship wrecked in the storm off the Maine Coast.

Fischer manages the Columbia Hotel in South Fallsburg, N. Y., each Summer. He is now employed as a caterer for the Chateau de Luxe at 575 Prospect Avenue, the Bronx. The ownership of the dog was traced to him through the New York license found on the collie's collar.

When Fischer was questioned in the Bronx last night, he expressed delight at the finding of the dog.

"I sure want to get my pet back. Of course I can't go up to get him, but I am going to arrange some way to have him returned," he said.

The collie is about one and one-half years old and named "Dan." Fischer obtained the animal from a farmer near the hotel. He said the collie was friendly with every one and particularly with the children who spent the Summer at the hotel in South Fallsburg.

It was only the day before the dog disappeared, said Fischer, that the license tag which made identification possible was put on the collar. The next day the dog wandered away from the children with whom he was playing and did not return.

Fischer said that rum-runners often passed the hotel on automobile trucks, and he said he immediately concluded that "Dan" had been carried off by one of them.