3812688The Origin of Continents and Oceans — IndexJ. G. A. SkerlAlfred Wegener


  1. Abrolhos Bank, 58, 145
    Abyssinia, 59, 64, 168
  2. Ægean Sea, 171
  3. Africa, 1–2, 5, 18, 74, 82, 205
  4. Airy, Sir G., 23–4, 37, 121
  5. Akdar Mountains, 64
  6. Alaska-Siberia bridge, 74, 77–8
  7. Albert-Edward, Lake, 167
  8. Aleutian Islands, 96, 180, 205
  9. Algonkian folding, 55–6
  10. Alkaline rocks in Brazil and Africa, 45–6
  11. Alnöite, 45–6
  12. Alpine erosion, 161
  13. — peaks, level of, 130
  14. — ‘radiolarite,’ 20
  15. Alps, 4
  16. —, compression, 12
  17. Altaides, Transatlantic, 53
  18. Alteration of latitude in Germany, 109
  19. — — — of observatories, 118
  20. Altitudes, frequency, 28–31
  21. Amazon, River, 49
  22. Ami, H. M., 80
  23. Ampferer, O., 14, 157
  24. Andaman Islands, 187
  25. Andean folding, 3, 65, 72
  26. Andersson, G., 104
  27. Andes, 3, 164
  28. Andrée, K., 14, 21, 40, 54, 61, 88, 158
  29. Angenheister, G., 34–5
  30. Angola, 46
  31. Ankober, 168
  32. Annam, 64
  33. Anno Bom, 59
  34. Annual rings, 90
  35. Antarctica, 18, 65, 70, 74, 76–7, 84, 86–8, 179, 188
  36. Antarctic Andes, 70
  37. Antilles, 4, 180–1, 188, 192
  38. Appalachian Mountains, 53
  39. Arabia, 64
  40. Arakan, 187
  41. Aravali Mountains, 62
  42. Arber, E. A. N., 101, 149
  43. Archæan, 58
  44. Arching pressure, 16
  45. Ardennes, 54
  46. Argentine, 43, 46, 89
  47. Arid zones, 105–6
  48. Arldt, T., 18, 73, 77–81, 85, 88, 94, 106, 151, 155
  49. Armorican folding, 52, 56
  50. Ash tree, 92
  51. Asturian Eddy, 53
  52. Atacama Deep, 144
  53. Atlantic lavas, 140, 188; Ocean, 1, 140
  54. Atlas Mountains, 51
  55. Augite-andesite, 36
  56. Australia-East Antarctic bridge, 74
  57. — faunas, 85–9; coal, 101; pole, 99, 205
  58. Australian Cordilleras, 65
  59. Auvergne, 105
  60. Axis, displacement of earth’s, 93, 122–7
  61. Azores, 52
  62. Baden, coal, 105
    Baikal, Lake, 63, 65
  63. Bali, 88
  64. Baltoro glacier, 161
  65. Banda Islands, 68
  66. Barus, C., 134
  67. Basalt, 36, 57, 63, 65, 133
  68. —, sheets of Deccan, 63
  69. Bass Straits, 70, 171
  70. Becke, F., 188
  71. Beech tree, 92
  72. Belgium, coal, 80
  73. Belle Isle, Straits of, 55, 57, 60
  74. Berbera, 168
  75. Bergeat, 139
  76. Bering Straits, 19, 77, 78
  77. Bertrand, C. E., 12, 53, 80
  78. Biafra, Bay of, 83
  79. Biological Arguments, 73–89
  80. Biscay, Bay of, 53
  81. Blocks, thickness of, 36–40
  82. Börgen, 115
  83. Borrass, 159
  84. Böse, E., 15, 185
  85. Boulder clay, 91
  86. Brandberg granite, 46
  87. Brazil, 1, 45–50, 83
  88. Brazilian Complex, 45
  89. Brenner, coal, 105
  90. Bresslau, E., 86
  91. Bridging-continents, 17–21, 26–7, 73–89
  92. Brittany, 53
  93. Brouwer, H. A., 45–7, 68, 155–6
  94. Buenos Aires, Sierras of, 43
  95. Bunsen, R., 36
  96. Burckhardt, 74, 87–8
  97. Burma, 64
  98. Burmeister, F., 116
  99. Buru, 68
  100. Buschmann, J. O., 105
  101. Bushveld Igneous Complex, 46
  102. Cable soundings, 39
    Cabo Frio, 46
  103. Calamites, 92, 102
  104. Caledonian folding, 54, 56
  105. California, 184–6
  106. Calluna vulgaris, 81
  107. Cambrian, 58, 74–5
  108. Cameroons, 42, 48, 59
  109. Canadian folds, 54
  110. Canary Islands, 52, 175, 193
  111. Cape Mountains, 43
  112. Cape Cross, 46
  113. — Farewell, 117
  114. — Horn, 66
  115. — King William, 69
  116. — San Roque, 1, 42
  117. — Verde Islands, 52, 193
  118. Carboniferous, 2, 6–7, 52, 57–8, 74–80, 96–7, 99–110, 124–7, 205
  119. — coal, 101–5
  120. — equator, 101–5
  121. Cauliflorescence, 102
  122. Cayeux, L., 20
  123. Cedar Berge, 44
  124. Celebes, 69
  125. Cestodæ, 87
  126. Ceylon, 4, 86
  127. Chalk, 20
  128. Chemnitz, coal, 105
  129. Chestnut, 92
  130. Chihli, coal, 104
  131. China, coal, 104
  132. Clairaut, 202
  133. Clarke, 148
  134. Climate, evidences of, 90–111
  135. Cloos, H., 99, 136
  136. Coal, 91, 101–6
  137. Coast, types of, 188
  138. Coats Land, 70
  139. Coefficient of expansion of rocks, 12
  140. — of viscosity, 128
  141. Colberg, L., 8, 94–5
  142. Coleman, A. P., 47
  143. Compensation, 36, 161
  144. —, depth of, 36
  145. Compression, amount of, 12, 157
  146. Congo Channel, 178
  147. Continental blocks, 1–4, 15, 32, 36–7, 143, 146–8, 170–7, 195–6
  148. — margin, 173–89
  149. Contour statistics, 28
  150. Contraction theory, 11
  151. Copeland, 115
  152. Corals, 91, 106
  153. Cordilleras, Australian, 65
  154. —, Graham Land, 70
  155. Cretaceous, 2–3, 18, 45, 51, 66, 74–80, 92, 109–10
  156. Critical pressure of water, 138
  157. Cross, Whitman, 38
  158. Currents in Sima, 141–5
  159. Czuchov, borehole, 134
  160. Dacqué, E., 20, 55, 94, 96, 113
    Damaraland, 46
  161. Dana, J. D., 11
  162. Danmarkshafen, 115
  163. Darling Range, 65
  164. Darwin, G. H., 9
  165. Davis, W. M., 94
  166. Dawson, Sir W., 80
  167. Day, A. L., 134
  168. Deccan, basalt sheets of, 63
  169. Deep-sea basins, origin of, 150
  170. — sand, 61
  171. — sediments, 140
  172. Depth of compensation, 36
  173. — of oceans, 139–41
  174. Devonian, 43, 52, 54, 57–8, 74–8, 87, 107–10, 124–5
  175. Diabase, 134
  176. Diamonds, 46, 62
  177. Didelphyidæ, 87
  178. Diener, C., 19, 74, 78, 82, 88
  179. Dingo, 88
  180. Displacement, amount of, 114
  181. Displacing forces, 190–205
  182. Doelter, C., 134, 136
  183. Dolerite, 46
  184. Drakensberg, 47
  185. Drake Straits, 71, 76
  186. Dredged samples, 35
  187. Drowned river-valleys (?), 177–8
  188. Drude, O., 84
  189. Drygalski, E., 61
  190. Dutton, 23
  191. Dwyka, see Permo-Carboniferous glaciation
  192. Ear-seals, 78
    Earth, cause of heat of, 13
  193. —, figure of, 202
  194. —, magnetism of, 32
  195. —, section through, 148
  196. Ear-seals, temperatures in the, 13, 134—6
  197. Earth-worms, 78—9, 81, 86—7, 91
  198. Earthquake waves, velocity of, 33—5, 128
  199. East Africa, rift-valleys, 64, 166—172
  200. East Antarctica, 74, 188
  201. Easton, W., 68—9
  202. Ecca Beds, 4
  203. Echelon, folds in, 165—6, 100
  204. Echidna, 87
  205. Eckhardt, 94, 151
  206. Elm, 92
  207. England, coal, 80
  208. Engler, 83
  209. Eocene, map of world in, 6—7, and see Tertiary
  210. Eötvös, 194
  211. Epilophic sediments, 140
  212. Epochs, age of geological, 112—3
  213. Epstein, P. S., 196—7
  214. Equilibrium in crust, 22, and see Isostasy
  215. Erongo granite, 46
  216. Erosion, 161
  217. Euler, 122, 128
  218. Europe-North America bridge, 18, 74—82
  219. Evans, Sir J., 8, 94
  220. —, J. W., vii—xii, 50
  221. Expansion of rocks, coefficient of, 12
  222. — theory of mountains, 157—8
  223. Falkland Islands, Permo-carboniferous glaciation, 96, 101
    Faroe Islands, 57
  224. Faye, 23
  225. Fernando Po, 59
  226. Ferns, tree-, 92, 101—2; climbing, 102
  227. Festoons of islands, 3—4, 143, 155, 178—84, 192
  228. Fiji Islands, 142—3
  229. Fiords, formation of, 177
  230. Fir trees, 92
  231. Fisher, O., 23
  232. Flattening at poles, 123—4
  233. Flat-worms, 86
  234. Florida, 4, 192
  235. Flows of sima, 141—5
  236. Fluidity, 129—34
  237. Folded Mountains, absence of in deep sea, 40
  238. Folds, 12, 107, 157—66
  239. — in echelon, 165—6, 180
  240. Forces, displacing, 190—205
  241. Foredeep, 162
  242. Fosse de Cap Breton, 178
  243. Fram, 173
  244. Frech, F., 75, 102, 104
  245. Frequency of different levels, 28—31
  246. Friedlaender, J., 33, 135
  247. Fritz, 75
  248. Fundamental Complex (South-west Africa), 45
  249. Fusion of granite, 136
  250. Gagel C., 52, 69, 175
    Galle, 117
  251. Gangamopteris, 99
  252. Garden-snails, 81
  253. Gauss, 30
  254. Gauszberg, 70
  255. Geer, G. de, 22, 112—13
  256. Geiger, L., 128
  257. Gentil, L., 51
  258. Geographical homologies, 9
  259. Geological arguments, 42—72
  260. Geophysical arguments, 28—41
  261. Geoplanidæ, 86
  262. Geosynclinals, 154, 164
  263. Geothermal gradient, 33, 134—7
  264. Germany, alteration of latitude of, 109
  265. Gerth, H., 99, 107
  266. Gilbert, G. K., 38
  267. Ginkgo, 92
  268. Glacial Period, 18, 55, 109—13
  269. Glaciers, movement of, 132
  270. Glossopteris flora, 82, 85, 98—101
  271. Gneiss, 45, 48, 55, 62, 65
  272. Godavari coalfield, 65
  273. Golfier, 94
  274. Gondwana, see Karroo.
  275. — bridge, 18
  276. — strata, 44, 65
  277. Gothan, S., 149
  278. Goyaz Province, 45
  279. Graham Land, 4, 70
  280. Granite, 45–6, 59; fusion of, 136
  281. Grape-vine, 92
  282. Gravity, 23
  283. — anomalies, 159
  284. —, disturbance on continental margin, 173
  285. —, — over Tonga Deep, 145
  286. —, in mountains, 158–60
  287. —, on islands, 175
  288. —, on oceans, 23–4, 32
  289. Greenland, 57, 205; displacement of, 114–7
  290. —, flora of, 82
  291. —, north-western, 57–8; north-eastern, 57
  292. Greenwich Observatory, 118
  293. Gregory, J. W., 177
  294. Grinnell Land, 58
  295. Griqualand, 47
  296. Grisebach, 84
  297. Groll, 29, 139
  298. Guelder rose, 92
  299. Guiana, 49
  300. Guinea Coast, 83
  301. Günther, S., 118
  302. Gutenberg, B., 128–9
  303. Gypsum, 105
  304. Hall, A., 118–19
    Hall, J., 163–4
  305. Halle, J., 101
  306. Handlirsch, A., 75, 106
  307. Hansen, 94
  308. Haug, E., 61, 75, 164, 175
  309. Hawaian Islands, 84–5, 179
  310. Hawthorn, 92
  311. Hayden, H. H., 37
  312. Hayford, F. J., 24, 36–7
  313. Heather, 81
  314. Hebrides, 55, 57
  315. Hecker, O., 23, 145, 171
  316. Hedley, 85, 143
  317. Heil, 124
  318. Heim, Albert, 11–12, 15, 24, 112, 157, 160
  319. Helium, 113
  320. Helmert, F. R., 23–4, 36, 173–4, 202–3
  321. Herder, 93
  322. Hergesell, H., 16
  323. Heyde, H., 71
  324. Himalayas, 63
  325. —, attraction of, 23
  326. Hindu Kush, 64
  327. Hippopotamus, 62
  328. Historical remarks, 5–10
  329. Hohes Venn, 54
  330. Homologies, geographical, 9
  331. Hough, 128
  332. Hudson River, 177
  333. Hunan, coal, 104
  334. Hypsometric curve, 29
  335. — —, at different times, 152–3
  336. Icebergs, tabular, 31
    Iceland, 57, 60, 81
  337. Ice-sheet, depression due to, 22–3, 121
  338. —, moraines, 55, 91
  339. —, thickness of, 22, 121
  340. Igneous rocks in Brazil and S. Africa, 45
  341. Ihering, H., 75
  342. Imbricated sheet folding, 12
  343. India, 2, 18, 62, 65, 86
  344. India-Madagascar bridge, 74
  345. Indian Ocean, 140–2, 203
  346. Insects, wings of fossil, 106
  347. Intrusion theory of mountains, 158
  348. Ireland, 2, 53, 57, 60, 81
  349. Irmscher, 79
  350. Irwin River, 65
  351. Island festoons, 3–4, 143, 155, 178–84, 192
  352. Islands, 31, 175
  353. —, rows of, in Pacific, 151–2
  354. Isobase maps, 22
  355. Isostasy, 23–6, 120–1, 130, 160–2
  356. Itatiaya, 46
  357. Ivy, 92
  358. Jacobitti, E., 95
    Japan, 81, 88, 181
  359. Java, 68
  360. Jaworski, E., 51, 83
  361. Joly, J., 13
  362. Jordan Valley, 64
  363. Juan Fernandez, 84
  364. Jurassic, 2, 18, 46, 51, 66, 74–80, 92, 109–10
  365. Kampar, River, 102
    Kamtschatka, 180
  366. “Kanadische Kaledoniden,” 54
  367. Kaoko Formation, 46
  368. “Karbon-äquator,” 104
  369. “Karbon-ring,” 104
  370. Karpinsky, A., 75
  371. Karroo Beds, 44, 46–7, 82, 85, 99–100
  372. Katzer, 75
  373. Kayser, E., 11–12, 15, 94, 139, 150
  374. Keidel, H., 43–4, 49–50
  375. —, J., = Keidel, H., 43
  376. Kelvin, Lord, 13, 122
  377. Kerner, F., 97
  378. Kimberlite pipes, 46
  379. Kiwu, Lake, 167
  380. Klebelsberg, R., 63, 80
  381. Kober, L., 11
  382. Koch, J. P., 114–17
  383. —, Lauge-, 58
  384. Kohlschütter, E., 170
  385. Koken, E., 75, 97
  386. Königsberger, J., 113
  387. Königsberg observatory, 118
  388. Köppen, W., 19, 100–1, 109, 121, 124, 194
  389. Korana Mountains, 62
  390. Kossinna, E., 28, 139
  391. Kostinsky, 119
  392. Koszmat, F., 14, 21, 23, 53, 75, 94, 125, 157–60, 163
  393. Kreichgauer, D., 8, 10, 94–5, 102–4, 124, 190
  394. Krümmel, O., 28–9, 35–6, 39, 140
  395. Kühn, F., 71–2
  396. Kuriles, 180
  397. Labrador, 55, 60
    Lambert, W. D., 119, 197–8
  398. Land-bridges, 17–22, 73–89
  399. Laplace, 122–3, 202
  400. Lapparent, A. de, 75
  401. Lateral (horizontal) displacements, 58, 166
  402. Laterite, 91
  403. Latitude variations, 109–10, 118–19; and see Euler
  404. Lauge-Koch, 58
  405. Lawson, A. C., 186
  406. Layers in the earth, 129
  407. Lemoine, P., 48, 62
  408. Lemuria, 18, 85
  409. —, compression of, 2–3, 64, 191
  410. Lepidodendra, 92, 102
  411. Level of Alpine peaks, 130
  412. Levels, frequency of different, 28–31
  413. Liapunow, 9
  414. Lignier, O., 149
  415. Lime-tree, 92
  416. Limit of trees, 90, 100
  417. Linstowia, 87
  418. Lipari, 139
  419. Lissner, H., 159
  420. Löffelholz von Colberg, 8, 94–5
  421. Lombok, 88
  422. Longitude, difference Europe-North America, 117–18
  423. — — Greenland-Europe, 114–7
  424. Loukaschewitsch, 130
  425. Lower Nubian Sandstone, 108
  426. Lozinski, W., 155
  427. Lüderitzland, 46
  428. Lugeon, M., 12
  429. Lyell, C., 16, 21
  430. Macassar, Straits of, 88
    Madagascar, 18, 62–4, 86, 142, 188
  431. Madeira, 52
  432. Magma reservoirs, 153
  433. Magnetism, 32–3
  434. Magnolia, 92
  435. Malacca, 64
  436. Malmesbury System, 45
  437. Manatus, 83–4
  438. Manchuria, coal, 104
  439. Maorian mountains chains, 66
  440. Maple, 92
  441. Marginal chains, movements, 184–6
  442. Marshall Islands, 179
  443. Marsupials, 86
  444. Mass-defect, 160
  445. Massowa, 168
  446. Matsap Beds, 47
  447. Matthew, W. D., 75
  448. Matto Grosso Province, 46
  449. Maxwell, J. C., 132–3
  450. Meissner, O., 188
  451. Melting-point of rocks, 134–7
  452. Melville Island, plant remains, 104
  453. Mendoza Province, 43
  454. Meridional rifts, 172, 193
  455. Mesosauridæ, 82, 107
  456. Meyer, O. E., 167
  457. Michael, 134
  458. Michaelson, W., 78–9, 86
  459. Mid-Atlantic, submarine bank, 61
  460. Milaggo, 139
  461. Milankovitch, 112
  462. Milan observatory, 118
  463. Minas Geraes Province, 45
  464. — Series, 45
  465. Miocene, see Tertiary
  466. Mohn, 24
  467. Molengraaff, G. A. F., 67–9
  468. Mönch tunnel, 134
  469. Mongolia, 63
  470. Monotremata, 86
  471. Moraines, terminal, 55
  472. Moscow, coal, 105
  473. Mountain-building, 3, 12, 157–8, 197, 199
  474. Mountain peaks, common level in Alps, 130
  475. Mozambique Channel, 62
  476. Mylius-Erichsen, L., 114–5
  477. Nanshan, River, coal, 104
    Naples observatory, 118
  478. Nappes, see Sheet folding.
  479. Nathorst, A. G., 82, 94
  480. Nautilus, 78
  481. Nellore, Ghats of, 62
  482. Neumayr, M., 75, 94, 167
  483. Neunkirchen, Devonian coal, 108
  484. Neu-Pommern = New Britain, 68–9, 143–4
  485. New Britain, 68–9, 143–4
  486. Newcomb, 128
  487. Newfoundland, 2, 53, 57, 60
  488. — Bank, 42, 53, 60
  489. New Guinea, 67–9, 77, 143
  490. — —, depth chart of, 67
  491. — Hebrides, 143
  492. — York State, 57
  493. — Zealand, 66, 70, 77, 86, 111, 143
  494. Nicobar Islands, 187
  495. Nife, 146, 148
  496. Niger River, 48
  497. — —, estuary of, 59
  498. Nippoldt, A., 32
  499. North America-South America bridge, 74, 77
  500. North America, coal, 80, 105–6
  501. Norway, 57
  502. Nova Scotia, 53
  503. Nyassa, Lake, 167
  504. Oak, 92
    Oblateness of the earth, 123–4
  505. Observatories, alteration of latitude of, 118–9
  506. Obst, E., 168
  507. Ocean deeps, 144, 179, 181
  508. —, floor of, 4, 138
  509. —, — —, smoothness of, 38
  510. Oceans, depths of, 139–41
  511. —, origin of, 150–1
  512. Oldham, R. D., 94
  513. Old Red Sandstone, 57, 107
  514. Oligocene, see Tertiary
  515. Omori, F., 34
  516. Opossum, 87
  517. Orange River, 47
  518. Ordovician, 58
  519. Orleans Conglomerate, 47
  520. Ortmann, A. E., 75
  521. Osborn, H. F., 75
  522. Oscillations of poles, 122–8
  523. “Otago saddle,” 70
  524. Overfolding or sheet-folding, 12, 166
  525. Overthrusts, 12, 63, 166
  526. Pacific lavas, 140, 188; Ocean, 3, 9, 151–2
    Palæocene, see Tertiary
  527. Palæoclimatic arguments, 90–111
  528. Palæontological arguments, 73–89
  529. Palms, 90, 92
  530. Panama bridge, 74, 77
  531. Pangæa, 192
  532. Panthalassa, 149
  533. Paraguay, 46
  534. Parana Province, 46
  535. — River, 49
  536. Paris observatory, 118
  537. Paruschowitz, borehole, 134
  538. Passarge, S., 51, 107
  539. Patagonia, 51, 70
  540. Pearl-mussel, 81
  541. Peat-bogs, 101
  542. Penck, A., 21, 40, 54, 97, 111–12, 130, 149
  543. —, W., 158, 188
  544. Pendulation theory, 95
  545. Perameles, 87
  546. Perch, 81
  547. Periods of time, 112–14
  548. Peripheral magma reservoirs, 153
  549. Perlewitz, P., 144
  550. Permanence doctrine, 20–7
  551. Permian, 45, 74–9, 82, 97, 99, 105–7, 109–10, 205
  552. Permo-Carboniferous, see Karroo.
  553. — glaciation, 43–4, 47, 72, 96–9, 101
  554. Peter the Great Mountains, 63
  555. Pfeffer, G., 18, 36
  556. Pheretima, 88
  557. Pickering, W. H., 9
  558. Pilandsberg, 46
  559. Pine, 92
  560. Pitch, 132
  561. Plane tree, 92
  562. Pleistocene, see Quaternary
  563. Pliocene, see Tertiary
  564. Poços de Caldas, 46
  565. Point Arena, 186
  566. Polar flattening, 123–4
  567. Poles, displacement of, 120, 122–3, 203–5
  568. —, drift from, 3, 67, 190–1
  569. —, — —, force of, 194–9
  570. —, oscillations of, 122–8
  571. —, position of, at different periods, 109
  572. Poplar, 92
  573. Potamochœrus, 62
  574. Potonié, H., 102, 149
  575. —, R., 101
  576. Pratt, 23–4, 37, 173
  577. Precession, effect of, 200–2
  578. Precordilleras, 3, 43
  579. Pressures on continental margin, 175–7
  580. Prince’s Island, 59
  581. Probability, principles of, 56
  582. Pulkowa observatory, 119
  583. Quaternary, Pleistocene and Recent, 2, 6–7, 74–80, 82, 88, 101, 109, 205
    — glaciation, 55, 109–13
  584. Quitzow, 134
  585. Raclot, 32
    Radiolarites, Alpine, 20
  586. Radium, 13–4, 141
  587. Raised beaches, former shore lines, 22
  588. Raleigh, Lord, see Strutt.
  589. Ramann, E., 102
  590. Reade, T. M., 164
  591. Recent, see Quaternary
  592. Reconstructed maps of the world, 6–7
  593. Recumbent folds, see Sheet folding
  594. “Red Beds,” 107
  595. Red Sea, 64, 167–8, 171
  596. Regressions, 124–7
  597. Reibisch, P., 94–5, 124
  598. Reptiles (Europe-North America), 79
  599. Reyer, E., 14
  600. Rhine Valley, 193
  601. Richthofen, F., 183
  602. Rift valleys, 166–72
  603. Rio de Janeiro, 46
  604. Rio Grande do Sul, 46
  605. Robeson Channel, 58
  606. Rome observatory, 118
  607. Rücker, A. W., 32
  608. Rudzki, M. P., 9, 13–14, 22, 113, 121–2, 175, 186
  609. Ruhr district, coal, 80
  610. Russisi, River, 167
  611. Rustenberg district, 46
  612. Sabine, 115
    Sago-palms, 92
  613. St. Gotthard tunnel, 134
  614. St. Lawrence River, 60, 177
  615. St. Thomas, 59
  616. Sal, 36
  617. Salt, 91, 105
  618. Salter, J. W., 80
  619. Sands, deep-sea, 61
  620. Sandstones as evidence of climate, 91
  621. San Francisco, earthquake fault, 186
  622. San Juan Province, 43
  623. Santa Catharina Province, 46
  624. — — System, 46–7
  625. Saõ Paulo Province, 46
  626. Sapper, K., 69
  627. Scandinavia, elevation of, 22–3, 121
  628. Schardt, H., 12
  629. Scharff, R. F., 82
  630. Schiaparelli, G. V., 123
  631. Schiötz, 173
  632. Schmidt, A., 33
  633. Schott, G., 61, 144, 178
  634. Schuchert, C., 75
  635. Schwarz, E. H. L., 9, 200
  636. Schwarzschild, 9
  637. Schweydar, W., 24, 37, 128–9, 131, 137, 198–203, 205
  638. Scoresby Sound, 42, 57
  639. Scotland, 57, 82
  640. Scottish Highlands, 54
  641. Sea-cow, 83
  642. Sealing-wax, 129, 131, 133, 141, 165
  643. Seals, 78
  644. Section through a sial block, 153
  645. — — the earth, 148
  646. Sediments, oceanic, 139–40
  647. —, shallow water origin of, 20–1
  648. —, thickness of, 148
  649. See, 9
  650. Seismic waves, velocity of, 33–5, 128
  651. Semper, M., 82, 94, 105, 124
  652. Sequoia, 92
  653. Serra de Tingua, 46
  654. — do Gericino, 45–6
  655. — do Mar, 45
  656. — Geral, 47
  657. Seychelles, 59, 141
  658. Shallow water connections, 19
  659. — — origin of sedimentary rocks, 20–1
  660. Shansi, coal, 104
  661. Shantung, coal, 104
  662. Sheet folding, 12
  663. Shelf-bridges, 19
  664. Shelves, 2, 177
  665. Shire, River, 167
  666. Shore-lines, former, 22
  667. Shrinkage, 11
  668. Sial, 36–41, 59, 133, 136–7, 141, 146–56, 160–1, 165
  669. — block, section through, 153
  670. Sialsphere, 146–56
  671. Siboga Bank, 68
  672. Sierras of Buenos Aires, 43
  673. Sigillaria, 102
  674. Silurian, 52, 54, 58, 74–8
  675. Sima, 36–41, 131–7, 153–4, 160–1, 165
  676. Simplon tunnel, 134
  677. Simroth, H., 87–8, 94–5
  678. Sino-Australian continent, 83
  679. Skottsberg, C., 84
  680. Sliding of marginal chains, 184
  681. Sloe trees, 92
  682. Smith Sound, 58
  683. Smoothness of ocean floor, 38–41
  684. Snails, 81
  685. Snow line in Tasmania and New Zealand, 111
  686. Society Islands, 179
  687. Soft solids, 132
  688. Sokolow, N. A., 119
  689. Solidity, 129–34
  690. Solomon Islands, 143
  691. Somaliland peninsula, 59, 64
  692. Sörgel, W., 26, 30, 88
  693. Soundings for cable, 39
  694. South America, tectonic map, 50
  695. South Antillean curve, 71
  696. South Atlantic, congruency of coasts, 1
  697. South Georgia, 72
  698. South Orkneys, 72
  699. South Polar Expedition (Drygalski), 61
  700. South Sandwich Islands, 71
  701. Spain, 52, 81
  702. Sparganophilus, 79
  703. Specific gravity of sial and sima, 37–9
  704. Spitaler, 128
  705. Spitsbergen, 42, 57, 92, 104
  706. Steinmann, G., 112, 149
  707. Streams in sima, 141–5
  708. Stremme, H., 102
  709. Strike-lines in Brazil and Africa, 48–9
  710. Stromer, 82–4
  711. Strutt (Lord Raleigh), 13, 113
  712. Stübel, 153
  713. Submarine bank, 61
  714. — effusions of lava, 139
  715. — folded mountains, 39–41
  716. Submerged valleys, supposed, 177–8
  717. Submergence to deep sea floor, 16, 25
  718. Sudan, 48
  719. Suess, E., 11, 36, 49, 51–4, 62, 66, 146, 155
  720. Sula Besi, 69
  721. Sulaiman Mountains, 64
  722. Sumatra, 64, 69, 187
  723. Sunda Islands, 67–8, 89, 93
  724. Surfaces of discontinuity, 129
  725. Svakopmund, 46
  726. Swamp-cypress, 92
  727. Swaziland System, 45
  728. Szechwan, coal, 104
  729. Tabular icebergs, 31
    Tallow, 133
  730. Tams, E., 33–5, 186
  731. Tanganyika, Lake, 167–9
  732. Tapering by continents southwards, 172
  733. Tapir, 93
  734. Tasmania, 89
  735. —, Pleistocene snow-line, 111
  736. Taylor, F. B., 9, 94, 190
  737. Taxodium, 92
  738. Tear-fault, see lateral displacement.
  739. Tectonic map of South America, 50
  740. — — of West Africa, 48
  741. Temperature in interior of earth, 12–4, 134–6
  742. Termier, P., 54
  743. Terminal moraines, 55, 110
  744. Terrestrial Magnetism, 32–3
  745. Tertiary, including Palæocene, Eocene, Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene, 2–3, 13, 18, 51–2, 60, 62–3, 66, 70–2, 74–82, 92–4, 109–10, 113, 205
  746. Thar Desert, 62
  747. Thickness of continental blocks, 36–8
  748. Thompson, Sir W., see Kelvin, Lord.
  749. Thrusts, see Overthrusts.
  750. Tibet, 63
  751. Tidal friction, 200
  752. Tides in the earth, 128
  753. Tienshan System, 63
  754. Tierra del Fuego, 4, 71, 84, 89
  755. Tierra del Fuego-West Antarctica bridge, 74
  756. Tillite, 47
  757. Tilmann, N., 54
  758. Time, lapse of geological, 112–14
  759. Times of transit of earthquake waves, 33–5
  760. Timor, 68
  761. Togoland, 96
  762. Toit, A. L. du, 47
  763. Tonga Deep, 145
  764. — ridge, 143
  765. Trabert, 28–9
  766. Transatlantic Altaides, 53
  767. — longitude determinations, 114–18
  768. Transgressions of the sea, 124–7, 203
  769. Transit of earthquake waves, times of, 33–5
  770. Transvaal, 46
  771. Tree-ferns, 92, 101
  772. Trees, limit of, 90, 100
  773. Trend lines in Brazil and Africa, 48–9
  774. Trias, 62, 74–9, 82, 109–10
  775. Triaxial ellipsoid, 202
  776. Trigonia, 78
  777. Triulzi, 171
  778. Tundra-flora, 90, 100
  779. Ubisch, L., 20, 78, 80
    Uhlig, V., 75, 167
  780. United States, coal, 80, 105–6
  781. Upper Carboniferous, map of, 6–7
  782. Upper Silesia, coal, 80, 105
  783. Uruguay, 46
  784. Valdivia Expedition, 61
    Validity of theory, probability of, 56
  785. Vellakonda Mountains, 62
  786. Victoria Land, 70
  787. — Nyanza, Lake, 168
  788. Viscosity, coefficient of, 128–9
  789. — of the earth, 120–37
  790. Vogt, J. H. L., 134
  791. Volcanoes, 59, 153–6
  792. Vulcanicity of festoons, 155–6
  793. Vulcano, 139
  794. Vuuren, L. van, 68
  795. Waagen, L., 98, 125
    Wagner, H., 28–9
  796. Walcott, C. D., 80
  797. Wallace, A. R., 85, 87–8
  798. Walnut, 92
  799. Walther, J., 94, 151
  800. Wanner, B., 69
  801. Warming, 82
  802. Washington observatory, 118
  803. Water-lilies, 92
  804. Wax, 133
  805. West Antarctica, 70, 179, 188
  806. Westward drift of continents, 191–3, 199–202
  807. Wetter, 68
  808. Wettstein, H., 8, 200
  809. Whitman Cross, 38
  810. Wiechert, 129
  811. Wilckens, O., 66, 70, 77
  812. Wilde, H., 32–3
  813. Willis, B., 21, 26, 75, 176
  814. Windhausen, A., 51
  815. Wittich, E., 185
  816. Wolft, H., 13
  817. Woodworth, J. B., 47
  818. Yap Deep, 144
    Yew tree, 92
  819. Yokoyama, M., 94
  820. Zawadowski Island, 72
    Zones of Earth’s interior, 129, 148
  821. Zschokke, 86
  822. Zwarte Berge, 43

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