The Paradise/Volume 1/Book 1/The Paradise of Palladius/The Histories of the Holy Men/History 46

Palladius of Galatia3928258The Paradise, Volume 1, Book 1, The Paradise of Palladius, The Histories of the Holy Men — 46 The History of Juliana1907Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge

Chapter XLVI: Of The Blessed Woman Juliana

AND again, there was a certain virgin, whose name was Juliana, in Caesarea of Cappadocia, and it was said concerning her that she was a believing woman, and a woman of understanding, and that in the time of the persecution when the writer Origen was fleeing from the heathen she received [him] and hid him [in her house] for two years; and she fed and kept him at her own expense, and made him to be satisfied and content with her ministration. Now I have found these things set down in a certain book which was in the handwriting of Origen himself, and I found this book in the possession of the excellent virgin Juliana in Caesarea who had hidden it, and who used to say that she received it from Symmachus, the expositor of the Jews. And I have not set down [in writing] the story of the excellences of these glorious women for any ordinary purpose, but that we may learn that by every means whatsoever we may, if we wish, find sundry and divers occasions for [obtaining spiritual] advantage.