Thou heavenly sun whose golden light
Displays the hills with verdure bright;
Sink thee, oh sink thee, in the west.
And bring the hour I love best.
This evening shall my bosom prove,
The richest ecstasies of love.
Soon as thy glorious light retires.
I look for her my heart admires;
A matron she of sober grace,
With wisdom printed on her face.
This evening shall my bosom prove,
The richest ecstasies of love.
And is my heart then grown so cold,
As to be pleased with matrons old;
When I might feast on younger things,
Ah, no! a lovely girl she brings!
This evening shall my bosom prove,
The richest ecstasies of love.
To war her soldier son has hied,
She offers me his blooming bride;
And if the girl my taste should please,
Her husband I advance with ease.
This evening shall my bosom prove,
The richest ecstasies of love.
She tells me of her daughter's form,
Her swelling bubbies ripe and warm,
Her rosy cheeks, her sapphire eyes,
The jutting fullness of her thighs.
This evening shall my bosom prove,
The richest ecstasies of love.
Her little mouth, her snowy skin,
The other mouth her smock within;
The more I questioned, more she told,
In thought the darling I behold.
This evening shall my bosom prove,
The richest ecstasies of love.
The stirring raptures of her tale,
Made beauty over age prevail;
At length, with many a "Fie! for shame!"
She quenched for once my raging flame.
This evening shall my bosom prove.
The richest ecstasies of love.
And said I that the dame was old,
And thought I that my heart was cold!
Her vigorous limbs are firm and fresh,
And rich she blooms in prime of flesh.
This evening shall my bosom prove.
The richest ecstasies of love.
And if the daughter brings the gust.
Of youth to aid the mother's lust;
And plays the game as well as she.
She must a perfect angel be.
This evening shall my bosom prove.
The richest ecstasies of love.
For other versions of this work, see Before.