The Pearl/Volume 9/Ten Little Niggers.

1472794The Pearl — Ten Little Niggers.Printed for the Society of Vice

Ten little niggers did a farting match design,
One got excited and died, so there were nine;

Nine little niggers layed his body straight,
One chanced to touch his prick, then there were eight;

Eight little nigger boys took a trip to Devon,
One fucked a peasant girl, and then there were seven;

Seven little niggers got fooling with their pricks,
One got his foreskin back, and then there were six;

Six little niggers a frig loop did contrive,
One overspent himself, and then there were five;

Five little nigger boys each picked a whore,
One had his in the arse, and then there were four;

Four little nigger boys for a prize did pee,
One pissed himself away, and then there were three;

Three little nigger boys had connection with a Jew.
The Chief Rabbi caught one, and then there were two;

Two little niggers were gamahuched for fun,
One got his prick bit off, and then there was one;

The last little nigger met a Countess at a ball,
Married her, got the pox and died, and now that is all.