The Philippine Islands, 1493–1898/Volume 9/List of Philippine villages reduced by the Spaniards

The Philippine Islands, 1493–1898, Volume 9 (1903)
edited by Emma Helen Blair and James Alexander Robertson
List of Philippine villages reduced by the Spaniards
4409397The Philippine Islands, 1493–1898, Volume 9 — List of Philippine villages reduced by the Spaniards1903


List of the villages reduced to the service of his Majesty, and the names of the chiefs who have made peace, since Captain Ffernando de Berramontano went to those provinces as chief and leader of the troops, at the order of Gomez Perez Dasmarinas, governor and captain-general of these Philipinas Islands.

  • Potol and its allies—chiefs, Atano, Anguilo, and Ffucao.
  • Village of Cataguram—chief, Manipas.
  • Village and river of Tulaque—chief, Apavao.
  • Village and river of Massi—chief, Seriban.
  • Village of Gatara—chief, Lipagam.
  • Valley of Sinabanga—chief, Amangapa.
  • River of Bangal—chief, mother of Sseriban.
  • River of Pata—chiefs, Amanbacay and Manipaz.
  • River of Cabrasinga—chiefs, Lumboy and Ffucman.
  • River of Maguin—chief, Seriban.
  • Estuary of Bacto—chief, Sivican.
  • Bulay—chief, Macapito.
  • Village of Magamon—chiefs, Higoran and Maramossi.
  • Village of Higuy—chief, Hivigan.
  • Village of Carlanga—chiefs, Maguigal and Agarrao.
  • Village of Linga—chief, Palatao.
  • Village of Lobo—chief, Dalapiao.
  • Village of Arangay—chief, Abugam.
  • Village of Pras—chief, Agarrao.
  • Village of Gumay—chief, Saguin.
  • Village of Tarugo—chief, Valigot.
  • Village of Gadu—chief, Balagua.
  • Village of Taban—chief, Baloy.
  • Village of Catabagam—chief, Banagua.
  • Village of Tapayacan—chief, Vanga.
  • River and towns of Nabunga, belonging to his Majesty—chief, Tabuga.
  • Village of Calabatan—chief, Bacu.
  • Village of Maguin—chief, Baligot.
  • Village of Malapil—chief, the same.
  • Village of Tuao—chief, the same.
  • Village of Canoran—chief, the same.
  • Village of Agat—chief, Lahizio.
  • Estuary of Malaguit and village of Sinagan—chief, Calaz.
  • Village of Doga—chief, the same.
  • Village of Cabicumga—chief, the same.
  • Village of Gabutan—chief, the same.
  • Village of Taramin—chief, the same.
  • Village of Lines—chief, the same.
  • Village of Massi—chief, the above.
  • Village of Nagugan—chief, the above.
  • Village of Gumoy—chief, the same.
  • Village of Talapa—chief, Çiroy Babalino.
  • Village of Pelitan—chief, Sibay.
  • Village of Lubutan—chief, Magalate.
  • Village of Batagua—chief, Ladaran.
  • Village of Tubigarao and its allies—chief, Lahinaman Darrey.
  • Village of Maguila—chief, Batoninam.
  • Village of Calabatan—chief, Matalo.
  • Village of Care—chief, Alu.
  • Village of Duli—chief, Duli.
  • Village of Bolo—chiefs, Manoto and Sino.
  • Village of Masepni—chief, Seriban.
  • Village of Guinoya—chief, Sinanagua.
  • Village of Balissi—chief, Matalaguan.
  • Village of Purrao—chief, Zuaduban.
  • Village of Bual—chief, Mamagua.
  • Estuary of Nalaguan—chiefs, Tagabassi, Pasigan and Sima.
  • Village of Carrima—chief, Urragam.
  • Village of Taporagua—chief, Sidagay.
  • Village of Cacaguayan—chief, Zalope.
  • Village of Talamas—chief, Marratan.
  • Village of Alata—chief, Vaguigo.
  • Village of Tabagan—chief, Basugumi.
  • Village of Bugarro—chief, Pigol.
  • Estuary and villages of Dumon.
  • Durangua.
  • Tinapanga.
  • Gabemta.
  • Balogo—chief, Bengel.
  • Village of Camalayuga—chief, Litagua.
  • Village of Daludu—chief, Jseamalaza.
  • Village of Tocolana—chief, Mandarelac.
  • Province of Yugan, but lately conquered, with seven villages.
  • Villages of La Lamona and Mandaya, seven in all.
  • The chief river, named Tazo.

Camalayuga, Segovia, Tocolana, Pantao, Camanao, Gotate, Tagay, River of Maguin, Calimotan, Dumon, Durango, Tinaponga, Gabemta, Bolaryo, Balobo, Galitan, Dulaga, village of Mapanga, Locon, Masepin, Estuary of Arolo, Pagaman, Amoran, Agopan, Estuary of Bacto, Yamaguam, Mangua, Bagan, Goran, Magano, Higuy, Batana, Cacomigan, Arrimanao, Cataessaman.

Catadar, Estuary of Maguila, Cacomigan, Cabugao, Mapapala, Boboo, Estuary of Bagam, Tubigarao, Abas, Louba, Nota, Botoan, Lulu, Lapugan, Vical, Estuary of Malagui, Nalaguam, Ungagui, Carrama, Ymaniz, Quinoyo, Marranate, Batagua, Boluye, Lulutam, Estuary of Batagua, Amiguibay, Bugarro, Bonoay, Bugao, Bungal, Alu, Alagua, Bolabic, Togote.

Cugan, Alate, Roge, Fugao, Inlet of Purrao, Bolo, Tingar, Pipin, Purrao, Dala, Bicum, Malata, Duyusan, Bacuam, Baga, Upland of Lapazada, Nabotas, River of Çimbuey, Pelitam, Alata, River Atam, Paguyamapi, Luday, Lama, Babayugom, Malin, Casiyam, Agutane, Maguilo, Parbuam, Tabussi, Capay, Minaga, Balaga, Malopi, Matudo, Loquillo, Beledeca, Cagavian, Bagu, Guto, Labu, Tongolan, Talogua, Talaona.

Gumitan, Lubutan, Ligon, Baporago, River of Baporago, Cabalaratan, Gamoy, Abazague, Passacoy, Biao, Malay, Bulagua, Plains of Llobo, Madulango, Cari, Duli, Marañon, Tapie, Nabunge, Bangal, Ulagua, Tarugo, Gadu, Ylagua, Pras, Tarro, Taban, Carlanga, Yagam, Ramoron, Pagamal, Agunge, River of Llobo, Tabagam, Pipi, Gumabi, Capayam, River of Palmarez ["palm-groves"], Malabit, Arangay, Lobor, Valley of Palmarez, Estuary of Gacare, Jataro, Talapo, Talapanze, Mandayo.

La Lamona, Potol, Sinabange, Cabunuam, Jacatay, Tocol, Alibumga, Maperi, Manaco, Paracam, Duludu, Ladugo, Minalam, Batal, Batatas, Balissi, Estuary of Latupe, River of Lulaque, Simayo, Massin, River Bangal, Bangal, Pata, Cabicumga.