
Worth Knowing.

Stewed chicken without mashed potatoes, and pork without apple sauce lose half their zest.

Fried onions fairly cry aloud for a juicy beefsteak, and roast beef without potatoes, browned under the meat, never taste quite the same.

Potatoes are an accommodating sort of vegetable. They are good with all meats.

With roast meats, sweet potatoes are appropriate, as are squash, tomatoes, asparagus and stewed onions.

Baked macaroni is a fitting accompaniment to a roast, so are brussels sprouts and scalloped or creamed cauliflower.

Celery should never be omitted when serving poultry.

Turnips, carrots, parsnips and cabbage are generally eaten with boiled meats. White peas, beets, beans, corn and tomatoes are good with either boiled or roasted meats.

Squabs and all game have lettuce with French dressing served with them and lettuce must be eaten with Virginia ham.

Measuring Without Scales.

The following table will be found convenient when you are without scales:

One fluid ounce contains two tablespoonfuls.

One dram, or sixty drops make a teaspoonful.

One rounded tablespoonful of granulated sugar or two of flour or powdered sugar, weigh one ounce.

One liquid gill equals four fluid ounces.

One fluid ounce (one-quarter gill) equals eight drams.

A piece of butter as large as a small egg weighs two ounces.

Nine large or twelve small eggs weigh one pound without shells.

One level teacup of butter or granulated sugar weighs half a pound.

One quart sifted flour (well heaped) weighs one pound. A common sized tumbler holds about one-half pint. Four cups liquid equals one quart.

—C. M. R.

Table of Measures.

16 saltspoons—1 teaspoon.
3 teaspoons—1 tablespoon.
16 tablespoons—1 cup.
2 cups—1 pint.
2 pints—1 quart.
4 quarts—1 gallon.
—Lydia Bohnsack.

Cake Hints.


A good pinch of salt improves any cake.

Half water instead of all milk makes a lighter cake.

If your cake rises in a mountain in the middle the reason is your dough was too thick.

If it goes down in the middle your dough was too rich, too much sugar.

The cause of large holes in cake is too much baking powder.

A pan of water in the bottom of the oven keeps the bottom of cake from burning.

Uses of Vinegar.


One-half teaspoonful of vinegar added to the cold water used to mix the dough of pie crust or (lemon juice if preferred) makes flaky pies.

A teaspoonful of vinegar added to the water in which beef is either boiled or roasted means more tender meat.

A teaspoon vinegar added to the water when cooking string beans makes them tender more rapidly.

Stains Removed.


Iron rust, remove by applying salt and lemon juice to the dampened spots, place in the sun or near the fire ten minutes. Rinse thoroughly.



Common soap application followed by one of starch rubbed in thoroughly. Lay in sun for several hours then wash.

Paint Stains.


Turpentine takes out paint stains.

Ink Spots.


An application of equal parts of citric acid (lemon) and cream of tartar melted, mix and rub gently over stains. Then wash.

Grass Stains.


Rub alcohol on spots before washing. For tar or grease, rub on butter or lard, then wash in cold soap suds.

To Clean Black Leather, Furniture or Automobile Seats.


Five cents benzine; five cents boiled linseed oil; three tablespoonsfull of lamp black. Mix thoroughly and rub in well.

Mrs. O. A. Kleppisch.