The Poetical Works of the Right Hon. George Granville, Lord Lansdowne/57

The Poetical Works of the Right Hon. George Granville, Lord Lansdowne
by George Granville
3190669The Poetical Works of the Right Hon. George Granville, Lord LansdowneGeorge Granville


That Macro’s looks are good let no man doubt,
Which I, his friend and ſervant—thus make out:
In ev’ry line of his perfidious face
The ſecret malice of his heart we trace;
So fair the warning, and ſo plainly writ,5
Let none condemn the light that ſhows a pit.
Codes, whoſe face finds credit for his heart,
Who can eſcape ſo ſmooth a villain’s art?
Adorn’d with ev’ry grace that can perſuade,
Seeing we truſt, tho’ ſure to be betray’d:10
His looks are ſnares, but Macro’s cry Beware;
Believe not tho’ ten thouſand oaths he ſwear.
Is thou ’rt deceiv’d, obſerving well this rule,
Not Macro is the knave, but thou the fool.
In this one point he and his looks agree,
As they betray their maſter—ſo did he.16