The Poetical Works of the Right Hon. George Granville, Lord Lansdowne/59

The Poetical Works of the Right Hon. George Granville, Lord Lansdowne
by George Granville
3190672The Poetical Works of the Right Hon. George Granville, Lord LansdowneGeorge Granville


Here end my chains, and thraldom ceaſe;
Is not in joy, I ’ll live at leaſt in peace.
Since for the pleaſures of an hour
We muſt endure an age of pain,
I ’ll be this abject thing no more:5
Love! give me back my heart again.

Deſpair tormented firſt my breaſt,
Now Falſehood, a more cruel gueſt.
O! for the peace of human-kind,
Make women longer true or ſooner kind.10
With juſtice or with mercy reign,
O Love! or give me back my heart again.12