
"Cummulative" voting
Districts, equal, each returning one Member
Districts, "three-cornered"
Electors who can vote in 2 or more Districts


Data. Quæsita.
No. of Electors in Kingdom
No. of Members in House
No. of Districts
No. of Electors whom each Member ought to represent 10
No. of Electors in a District
No. of Electors whom each Member in House ought to represent
No. of Members to be assigned to the District 9
No. of Electors in a District
No. of Members assigned to it
That each Elector has only one vote
No. of Electors necessary and sufficient, before the poll is closed, to secure one seat 9
No. of Electors in a District
No. of Members assigned to it
No. of votes each Elector can give
No. of seats it is desired to fill
No. of Electors necessary and sufficient, before the poll is closed, to secure the desired seats 20
No. of Members assigned to a District
No. of recorded votes, after the poll is closed
No. of recorded votes necessary and sufficient, after the poll is closed, to secure one seat 27
Ditto Ditto, to secure 2 seats, 3 seats, &c. 37