The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CCCLXIV

ⅭⅭⅭⅬⅩⅣ. James Madison to J.C. Cabell.[1]

Montpr. Sepr. 18 1828.

8 That the encouragement of Manufactures, was an object of the power to regulate trade, is proved by the use made of the power for that object, in the first session of the first Congress under the Constitution; when among the members present were so many who had been members of the federal Convention which framed the Constitution, and of the State Conventions which ratified it; each of these classes consisting also of members who had opposed & who had espoused, the Constitution in its actual form. It does not appear from the printed proceedings of Congress on that occasion that the power was denied by any of them. And it may be remarked that members from Virga. in particular, as well of the antifederal as the federal party, the names then distinguishing those who had opposed and those who had approved the Constitution, did not hesitate to propose duties, & to suggest even prohibition in favor of several articles of her production;

  1. Documentary History of the Constitution, Ⅴ, 346–348.