The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CCXLVI

657939The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, Volume 3, Appendix A — CCXLVI. Sherman in House of Representatives, August 14,Max Farrand

ⅭⅭⅩⅬⅥ. Roger Sherman in the House of Representatives.[1]

August 14. 1789.

Mr. Sherman said, if they were now forming a constitution, he should be in favor of one representative for forty thousand, rather than thirty thousand. The proportion by which the several States are now represented in this House was founded on the former calculation. In the convention that framed the constitution, there was a majority in favor of forty thousand, and though there were some in favor of thirty thousand, yet that proposition did not obtain until after the constitution was agreed to, when the President had expressed a wish that thirty thousand should be inserted, as more favorable to the public interest; during the contest between thirty and forty thousand, he believed there were not more than nine States who voted in favor of the former.

  1. Annals of Congress, First Congress, Ⅰ, 725.