The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787/Volume 3/Appendix A/CLXXXIII

179965The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787, Volume 3, Appendix A — CLXXXIII. King in Massachusetts Convention, January 24, 1788Max Farrand

ⅭⅬⅩⅩⅩⅢ. Rufus King in the Massachusetts Convention.[1]

“Some of the powers of the Legis. are ambiguous and others indefinite and dangerous.” This clause contains an imputation so very general that no reply in detail can be attempted without commenting on every sentence wh. forms the Grant of powers to Congress. Most of the sentences are transcribed from the present Confederation, and we can only observe that it was the intention and honest desire of the Convention to use those expressions that were most easy to be understood and least equivocal in their meaning; and we flatter ourselves they have not been entirely disappointed. We believe that the powers are closely defined, the expressions as free from ambiguity as the Convention could form them, and we never could have assented to the Report, had we supposed the Danger Mr. G. predicts.

  1. MS. note in King’s handwriting found among the King papers; printed in C.R. King, Life and Correspondence of Rufus King, Ⅰ, 305–306. This MS. is undated, and if it embodies notes of a speech in the Massachusetts Convention, that speech probably was made on January 24. But the various points that are taken up are those made by Gerry in his “Objections” to the Constitution. See ⅭⅩⅩⅩⅢ above.