The Recruiting Officer, or, Over the Hills & Far Away/Nancy Fighting for Her True Love Jemmy

4251322The Recruiting Officer, or, Over the Hills & Far Away — Nancy Fighting for Her True Love JemmyAnonymous

Nancy fighing for her true Love Jemmy.

CEASE, ceaſe my deareſt Nancy,
my joy and only dear,
Let nought perplex your fancy,
ſince I'm return'd ſaſe here;
Though many dangers I've been through,
and battles on the ſeas,
God has reſtor'd me back to you,
from bitter enemies.
Chorus I'll ſtill adore my Nancy,
That long has ſigh'd for me.

When Jemmy first returned,
in Sailor's dreſs ſo gay,
He enquired for his Nancy.
and to her went ſtraightway:
He ſaid my dear, Since I've return'd,
with love I'll make you bleſt,
Neither night nor day for your ſweet ſake,
could I take any reſt. I'll ſtill adore, etc.

Then come to me my deareſt,
my joy and heart's delight,
To me you are the faireſt
that e'er apprear'd in ſight;
It was for your ſweet ſelf, my dear,
thoſe hardſhips I went thro',
But ſince that I have found you here.
to church pray let us go I'll ſtill adore, etc.

She ſaid, My deareſt Jemmy,
my joy and only dear.
I am your faithful Nancy,
come take me while I'm here;
Then ſtraight ſhe flew into his arms,
he said, My dearest love,
You are the miſtreſs of all charms,
bleſt be the Powers above I'll ſlill adore, etc.

To church they went with ſweet content,
the happy knot was ty'd,
In unity their days they ſpent,
young Jemmy and his bride;
The moſt delightful wife, he ſaid,
that e'er my eyes did ſee,
You now ſhall grace my marriage bed,
contented I will be.

Chorus. I ſtill adore my Nancy,
That long has ſigh'd for me.