The Recruiting Officer, or, Over the Hills & Far Away/The Recruiting Officer

For works with similar titles, see The Recruiting Officer.


HARK! how the drums beat up again,
For all true ſoldiers, gentlemen;
Then let us liſt and march, I ſay,
Over the hills and far away:

Chor. Over the hills, and over the main
To France, Gibraltar, or to Spain,
King George commands and we'll obey,
Over the hills and far away.

All gentlemen who have a mind,
To ſerve our King that's good and kind,
Come liſt, and enter into pay,
Then over the hills and far away: Over etc.

Here is ten guineas on the drum,
For thoſe that Volunteers do come;
With ſhirts, and clothes, and preſent pay,
When over the hills and far away: Over etc.

Hear that, brave boys and let us go,
Or elſe we ſhall be preſs'd you know;
Then liſt and enter into pay,
When over the hills and far away: Over, etc.

The ſerjeant they do ſearch about,
To find ſuch briſk young fellows out;
Then let's be Volunteers I ſay,
Over the hills and far away: Over the hills, etc.

The Spaniards now ſhall low be brought,
And wealth and honour's to be got,
Who then behind would ſneaking ſtay,
When over the hills and far away; Over the, etc.

No more from found of drums retreat,
While that our noble fleets do beat
The French and Spaniards every day.
When over the hills and far away: Over the, etc.

He that is forc'd to go and fight,
Will never get true honour by't;
While Volunteers ſhall win the day,
When over the hills and far away: Over the, etc.

What tho' our friends our abſence mourn?
We all with honour ſhall return;
And then we'll ſing both night and day,
Over the hills and far away: Over the hill, etc.

The 'prenticc Bill he may refuſe
To wipe his angry maſter's ſhoes;
For then he's free to ſing and play,
When over the hills and far away. Over the, etc.

The 'prentice who has play'd the fool,
And fears to mount repenting-ſtool,
To kirk and ſeſſion bids good day,
When over the hills and far away: Over the, etc.

Over rivers, boggs, and ſprings,
We all ſhall live a big as kings,
And plunder get both night and day,
When over the hills and far away: Over the, etc.

Then ſhall we live more happy lives,
By getting rid of Brats and Wives,
That ſcold and ſqueel both night and day,
When over the hills and far away: Over the, etc.

Come on brave boys and you ſhall ſee,
We every one ſhall captains be,
And we'll ſing and rant as well as they,
When over the hills and far away: Over the, etc.

For if we go, to one 'tis ten,
But we return all gentlemen,
All gentlemen, as well as they,
When over the hills and far away:

Chor. Over the hills and over the main,
To France, Gibraltar, or to Spain,
King George commands, and we'll obey,
Over the hills and far away.