The Rig Veda/Mandala 3/Hymn 25

Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith

15678The Rig VedaMandala 3, Hymn 25
1. THOU art the sapient Son of Dyaus, O Agni, yes and the Child of Earth, who knowest all things.
     Bring the Gods specially, thou Sage, for worship.
2. Agni the wise bestows the might of heroes grants strengthening food, preparing it for nectar.
     Thou who art rich in food bring the Gods hither.
3. Agni, infallible, lights Earth and Heaven, immortal Goddesses gracious to all men,-
     Lord through his strength, splendid through adorations.
4. Come to the sacrifice, Agni and Indra come to the offerer's house who hath the Soma.
     Come, friendly-minded, Gods, to drink the Soma.
5. In the floods' home art thou enkindled, Agni, O Jatavedas, Son of Strength, eternal,
     Exalting with thine help the gathering places.