The Rig Veda/Mandala 6/Hymn 43

Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith

18183The Rig VedaMandala 6, Hymn 43
1. IN whose wild joy thou madest once Sambara Divodasa's prey,
     This Soma is pressed out for thee, O Indra: drink!
2. Whose gladdening draught, shed from the points, thou guardest in the midst and end,
     This Soma is pressed out for thee, O Indra drink!
3. In whose wild joy thou settest free the kine held fast within the rock,
     This Soma is pressed out for thee, O Indra: drink!
4. This, in whose juice delighting thou gainest the might of Maghavan,
     This Soma is pressed out for thee, O Indra drink!