The Rig Veda/Mandala 6/Hymn 55

Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith

18195The Rig VedaMandala 6, Hymn 55
1. SON of Deliverance, come, bright God!
     Let us twain go together: be our charioteer of sacrifice.
2. We pray for wealth to thee most skilled of charioteers, with braided hair,
     Lord of great riches, and our Friend.
3. Bright God whose steeds are goats, thou art a stream of wealth, a treasure-heap,
     The Friend of every pious man.
4. Pusan, who driveth goats for steeds, the strong and Mighty, who is called
     His Sister's lover, will we laud.
5. His Mother's suitor I address. May he who loves his Sister hear,
     Brother of Indra, and my Friend.
6. May the sure-footed goats come nigh, conveying Pusan on his car,
     The God who visiteth mankind.