The Rig Veda/Mandala 9/Hymn 44

Translated by Ralph T.H. Griffith

18528The Rig VedaMandala 9, Hymn 44
1. INDU, to us for this great rite, bearing as 'twere thy wave to Gods,
     Unwearied, thou art flowing forth.
2. Pleased with the hymn, impelled by prayer, Soma is hurried far away,
     The Wise One in the Singer's stream.,
3. Watchful among the. gods, this juice advances to the cleansing sieve
     Soma, most active, travels on.
4. Flow onward, seeking strength for us, embellishing the sacrifice:
     The priest with trimmed grass calleth thee.
5. May Soma, ever bringing power to Bhaga and to Vayu, Sage
     And Hero, lead us to the Gods.
6. So, to increase our wealth to-day, Inspirer, best of Furtherers,
     Win for us strength and high renown.