The Rock-cut Temples of India/The Caves of Ajunta/Doorway, Cave No. 1—Ajunta


THE doorway is hardly so rich as might be expected in so elaborately ornamented a Cave, but it is pleasing in design, and as it was covered with chunam, traces of which still remain, it is probable that its effect was at one time heightened by colour. Besides this, it must be remembered that it is only one feature in what once was a richly decorated wall, and if so, it showed correct architectural taste to keep it subdued. A richly sculptured design in bold relief would have tended to render the flat paintings on either hand, tame and insipid.

Two of the internal pillars can be seen dimly through the opening. They are similar in design to those of the exterior. As before mentioned, there are twenty of these, each three feet in diameter.