The Seven Bridges of Königsberg/Section 8

For the purpose of finding such a rule I take a single region A into which an arbitrary number of bridges, a, b, c, d, etc., leads (Figure 2).

Figure 2

Of these bridges I first consider only a. If the traveller crosses this bridge he must either have been in A before crossing or have reached A after crossing, so that according to the above method of denotation the letter A will appear exactly once. If there are three bridges, a, b, c, leading to A and the traveller crosses all three, then the letter A will occur twice in the expression for his route, whether it begins at A or not. And if there are five bridges leading to A the expression for a route that crosses them all will contain the letter A three times. If the number of bridges is odd, increase it by one, and take half the sum; the quotient represents the number of times the letter A appears.