The Singers' Companion/Haud awa' Fra me, Donald

For other versions of this work, see Haud awa frae me, Donald.


Haud awa, bide awa,
Haud awa frae me, Donald;
What care I for a’ your wealth,
An’ a that ye can gi’e, Donald?
I wadna lea' my lowland lad
For a’ your goud an’ gear, Donald;
Sae tak' your plaid, and o’er the hill,
An’ stay nae langer here, Donald.
Hand awa, bide awa, &c.

My Jamie is a gallant youth,
I lo’e hut him alane, Donald;
And in honnie Scotland’s isle,
Like him there is nane, Donald.
Haud awa, hide awa,
Hand awa frae me, Donald;
What care I for a your wealth,
An’ a’ that ye can gi’e Donald ?

He wears nae plaid, nor tartan hose,
Nor garters at his knee, Donald;
But oh ! he wears a faithfu’ heart,
And love blinks in his e’e, Donald.
Sae haud awa, hide awa,
Come nae nair at e’en, Donald;
I wadna break my Jamie’s heart,
To he a Highland queen, Donald.